Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Being the happy, upbeat, and just overall good person that I am, it usually takes a lot to make me angry. Also, I am an extremely competitive person, who doesn’t take losing well, and this is something that I really should make a point of working on because it isn’t a good trait to carry with you throughout life. Therefore, losing in general is the one single thing that makes me the most angry.  Whether it’s losing in a videogame, a pick-up game of hockey with my friends, or a drill in football practice, it just really, for lack of a better term, “grinds my gears.”  This often leads to broken controllers, wars of words, and shoving matches with my teammates. And although this is a problem of mine, I also see it as a gift, and I try to make the most out of it. If you hate to lose as much as I do, you try to do everything that you possibly can to make it so that you don’t lose. You have to hate losing more than you love winning, which is how I am. I am happy if the Sabres win a game, but if they lose, I am absolutely furious. Which leads me to my next point. One thing that I need to work on is not getting so fired up and angry over things that I can’t control, like the Sabres or Bills. And when things don’t go in their favor, I need to stop, take a second, and just chill out. And when I get scored on with 1.5 seconds left in NHL 12, I just need to set my controller down, and take a walk downstairs. If I could learn to control my anger over losing, I would be just about perfect.  

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