In the second picture, the sleeping boy is named Ken. Ken is a lonely kid who doesn’t have many friends and he lives in the magical world of Kokiri Forest. Kokiri forest is located on the outksirts of the royal kingdom known as Hyrule, who contains all inhabitants from the Gorons of the red mountains to the Zoras of lake Hylia. Little does Ken know, but he has been chosen by the queen Zelda to be the boy to save the kingdom from the dark lord Ganondorf. The blimp of light you see in the picture isn’t just any old blimp, but it is the fairy, Navy who has been sent to him to guide him on his quest. Kens first obstacle lies within the Great Deku Tree of Kokiri forest, where he must obtain one of three spiritual stones needed to open the door of time, where he can then claim the master sword and travel through timje to stop the evil lord Ganondorf from ever opening the sacred door and getting control of the triforce which gives him absolute power. Ken will gain the next two spiritual stones by defeating the monsters and evils within Dodongos Cavern, and Lord Jabu- Jabu’s belly. After Ken travels 7 years into the future, he will need to defeat 7 dark lords in order to free the guardians of the sacred realm so that they can shut the door from Ganondorf, so that he never is able to take the triforce. And then finally, after freeing all of the spirits, Ken must take down the dark lord Ganondorf for good. He travels to the top of his tower and strikes him with his light arrows, which temporarily impairs the evil mastermind, then repeatedly strikes him with THE legendary master sword. And after this is all said and done, Ken saves the princess of Hyrule, and locks Ganondorf in the sacred realm forever. But finally when it was all said and done, the evil lord turned out to be none other than Robin Williams with a crockpot on his head, and everyone died.
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