Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top 3 Movies

Because I have seen so many movies that I like over the years that I’ve really enjoyed, it took a lot of thought and consideration to narrow it down to just 3 movies. However, after a lot of thought I have come up with my top 3. My number three favorite movie of all time would have to be Toy Story. This has been one of my favorite movies for as long as I can remember, and is truly a timeless classic. Anyone who says they don’t like Toy Story is clearly just embarrassed to say that they like a Disney movie, because they are for “little kids.” Disney in my opinion makes some of the best, Pixar especially. I’m not going to take much time to explain the plot of Toy Story because pretty much everyone has seen it multiple times throughout the years.  Toy Story, number 3, nuff said. Coming in at number 2 is a movie that had the potential to be number one, is Napoleon Dynamite. Seriously, if you think Napoleon Dynamite isn’t funny, you should see a doctor ASAP, because there’s something wrong with you. I can still recall choking on my popcorn the very first time I experienced this motion picture masterpiece, and it has happened multiple times since that day, and I look forward to sharing that movie with as many people as I possibly can because it is just that funny, that everyone needs to see it. Napoleon Dynamite, number 2, again, nuff said .Finally, coming in at the top of my list my favorite movie of all time, Forrest Gump.  Forrest Gump is a movie that shows us significant events that occurred in America such as Watergate, Vietnam, and the assassination of the Kennedy’s, through the eyes of a man with an IQ of 75. This movie will make you laugh and cry at the same time, and is one of the reasons it is so widely loved. So that just about does it for my top 3 favorite movies, but I’d now like to take a look at some honorable mentions that didn’t quite make the cut. The Big Lebowski, Hook, The Mummy, Aladdin, and Edward Scissorhands all were taken into great consideration when forming this list.

3 wishes

If I had three wishes, I know for sure what the first one would be. That would be the ability to fly.  Flying would honestly be one of the coolest things to do. First of all, you could go wherever you want, whenever you want, and with absolutely zero effort. This means no more waiting around for when it is most convenient for your parents to drive you places. You can now just fly. Also, I wish that I could be the only person that could fly, because I don’t feel like sharing the air with a bunch of other people all the time, and then it would just get too crowded and take away from the entire experience. My second wish would be the ability to travel through time.  This to me would be the second coolest thing that you could do. Relive every single moment of your life, and change anything that went wrong, and go back and mess with people who don’t know what’s going to happen. Also, I could be looked upon as some super being because I could predict the future, and fly, in which case I would probably have a statue or something built after me, which would be pretty awesome. Another final wish that I would like to come true is that I could eat anything I wanted all day and never get full or sick of that food. And also that the food would have no negative effect on my health, therefore I could sit and eat all day long, and not have to worry about it. I would probably eat mainly chicken wings, pizza, chicken finger subs, Mrs. Foss’s mac n cheese, and steak. I’d have to buy an industrial sized fridge, but my investment would definitely be well worth it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day, however I unfortunately only get to have a good one a couple of days a week because I am always so rushed in the morning with school. When I prepare my own breakfast it usually consists of two eggs cooked sunny side up. Add a little pepper to them while they’re cooking, and they’re simply to die for. Next I like to lightly toast 4 pieces of whole wheat bread, and spread a nice even coating of butter over them, because toast without butter is like Christmas without Santa Clause, it just isn’t right. If I’m feeling especially daring on that particular morning, I’ll even fry up some sausage or bacon, or whatever meat we have in the house to add to my royal feast. So finally when the eggs are finished cooking, the toast is toasted, and the bacon is baked, it’s time. I grab the sports section of the Sunday news, obtain the bottle of franks red hot sauce from the door of my refrigerator, and park it directly in front of my television. After I’ve sat down, I refuse to move until my plate is licked clean, and I am ready to begin my day. This means I must holler to my mother over the sound of the vacuum cleaner and ask her in my most pathetic and desperate voice to get me a glass of orange juice. This usually doesn’t work, so I just go thirsty. After I’ve sat down, I mean business, and I don’t mess around. If that means I go thirsty, so be it.  Upon finishing my delectable dish that was 100% self prepared,  I like to sit and reminisce about the masterpiece that I not only created, but in a very instant destroyed, and I feel proud be me.